
We have organized our PRACTICE to meet the requirements and expectations of patients as fully as possible. This is possible thanks to the high qualification of the staff, the use of modern equipment and materials and last but not least the cooperation with elite dental laboratories. Indeed, nowadays the phenomenon of "Leonardo da Vinci" or so.

"Encyclopedists" do not exist. Contrary to the idea of teamwork, the philosophy we profess is a high level of mastery of all dental disciplines, which in turn allows for a comprehensive coverage of the respective clinical case and taking independent responsibility. From our 45 years of practice, this way of working gives excellent results. Moreover, it meets the requirements and expectations of patients. The staff is constantly qualified, following the latest developments in world science and practice. We describe the qualification in the section "Professional biography". The equipment with equipment and materials - in the section "Cabinet".

PIEZO-SURGERY - we perform it with a special device. We use it in all cases of bone surgery. Advantages - absolute atraumatic bone cutting, quick, easy, and convenient manipulation by the dentist, minimizing operational risks of any nature.
TRANSDENTAL STABILIZERS - this method apply even in a few places in the world. It allows teeth that need extraction to be preserved.
SUBPERIOSTAL IMPLANTS and especially the so-called "Ramus frame-implant" - subperiosteal implantation is the only option for prosthetics in clinical cases with advanced atrophy of the jaws. With the advent of computer-assisted technology, it is gaining more and more popularity. As for the "Ramus frame implant", it allows in cases with particularly severe atrophy, where even standard subperiosteal implants are inapplicable.
TRANSOSAL IMPLANTS - called Bosker implants. Ours is a modification of the method and we use it to some extent as an alternative to subperiosteal implants.

These are activities related to special qualifications and special equipment. You will not find them anywhere else in the country.